Thursday, May 24, 2012

Benjamin Button

Today is the last day of school and the start of another summer vacation. I hear the kids splashing and zooming in the neighborhood but none of them are my kids anymore. I try to decide if that makes me sad? No, I am not sad but it is a tender moment to remember those days - little boys on bikes and go karts with the sounds of summer around each turn - and a little girl in braids, sunkissed hair, and a pink swim suit - very tender. But, these days are good too and I am writing to post something that proves it. Elizabeth is filling out profile paperwork for college "matches" and she had to include her favorite quote. It is something, for me, that says she was listening all of these magical years of childhood and it is evidence that she has become the daughter that is a perfect "match" for me. I hope you enjoy this:

b u
p s


  1. I love the quote. It reminds me to take notice and celebrate.

    1. Yay!! I so want to remember to go to your signing...
