Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Inquire Within

Internalizing seems to be my winter theme. I hear others talk about it also, people I might not even expect to go beneath the surface of their lives, sorry, but so true.I am convinced it is what winter requires. It starts with a cold day and a closet; you start "cleaning out" things, knocking down the literal cobwebs and ultimately discovering their figurative counterparts in your mind. There, is where the real work begins. "There" is where I am. It seems that as each year arrives, I release more baggage; for whatever reason, I am lightening the load - the load of youth, the load of pressure, the load of lists, the load of propaganda and society's set of plastic rules, and instead I am feathering my nest with my interpretations of what matters. How long does it take to "be you"? For me, it has been an evolutionary process filled with cause and effect situations that have brought me here. It is so hard to "listen", to internalize, because the world is filled with distractions - distractions that are mostly composed of propaganda driven by $.

"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us."
Henry David Thoreau
b u
p s

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