Saturday, January 8, 2011

sketches of my day May 2008 - Nov 2010

June 9, 2010

I remember the day, the moment my dad died, the day everything changed. He was the only remaining parent, he was there at the head of the family, someone, regardless of how feeble or sick, who was the pinnacle and we, the children, were in subsequent and safe positions. In that instant, he was gone, our cushion and protection was gone and we moved up. It was life in slow motion, it was life changing. I remember those moments before. I remember there were these “angels”  in our parent’s house, ladies from Hospice who did not even know us but they were there catching our tears and taking care of the ugly “business” of death. I cannot tell you the names of these “angels”, but I know they were called on a moment’s notice and they graciously walked out of their lives and into ours. Amongst the agony of grief, I remember noticing their generosity, their kind spirit, and making note that I wanted to be in that wonderful world of theirs. Well, today is the day, today I have finally made a bit of room in my busy life to be an anonymous angel. I called S.N.A.P. (safety net for abused persons) and I will visit today. I am so happy. The coordinator thanked me; imagine that; she thanked me when I am so thankful I can help. I do not know where this will go, but I will let you know. Anything that involves helping abused children has to be the most noble of all causes. Thank you to the faceless “angels” that were there for me and my family; you have inspired me.
b u
p s

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